Junior Molloy

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Junior Molloy


Everyone is upset because Junior says he's feeling sick but nobody really knows what's wrong with him.

BornJunior Molloy
21st October 2013 (Age 7)
Carrigstown, Ireland
CitizenshipRepublic of Ireland (2013-present)

Junior Molloy is the natural son of Orla Kirwan and fertile bachelor Tommy Dillon, and the adopted son of long-time loser Wayne Molloy.

Junior has a complex health complication, understood by virtually nobody in Carrigstown. One particularly noteworthy misunderstanding of the condition led to a series of events that has come to be known as The Orla and Wayne Surrogate Fiasco 2019 whereby a new baby was conceived by moody lesbian Sash Bishop and Tommy Dillon for the sole purpose of using his blood to "make Junior not sick again". Dr Judith Ferguson described the events as "puzzling and dangerous".

Pete Ferguson regularly jokes in McCoys that Junior is already twice the man Wayne Molloy will ever be.