Murder of Robbie Quinn

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The Murder of Robbie Quinn was a scandal which swept across the Carrigstown community in late September 2019. Town members were informed of the passing of prominent gangland figure Robbie Quinn through his wife Carol Foley who was told of this news from a phone call from a Thai man claiming to be his supervisor. There is a lot of mystery and unknowns surrounding his death. Rumors quickly surfaced of him still being alive, but his body was eventually returned to the family for burial. This only raised more questions about his death.

Timeline of Events[edit | edit source]

Initial Phone Call[edit | edit source]

An initial phone call was received by Carol Foley in the early hours of 22nd September 2019. She was informed by a Thai man claiming to be Robbie's supervisor that he had passed away while on duty with the Irish Army. Carol has never made any public statement regarding Robbie's supposed service. It is unclear whether she actually believes that he was a member of the Irish Defence Forces (IDF) or not. Robbie has received two convictions and one caution for stolen valor in the past. Evidence of this was provided to the community from Sgt. John Deegan.

Follow-Up Phone Call[edit | edit source]

A follow-up call was received on the 27nd September 2019 from an unknown caller who claimed to be on Robbie's team. This caller requested information to organize for the safe passage of his remains to Carrigstown. Fearing that the call may be a hoax and a sick attempt to steal Carol's personal information, she hung up. Several other members of Carrigstown and close acquaintances of Robbie reported receiving phone calls from the same man requesting an address to send the remains to and for someone to collect and bury it.

Remains[edit | edit source]

On the 13th October 2019 a coffin arrived at customs in Ireland containing the remains of Robbie Quinn. It was intercepted by police upon arrival and was positively identified as Robbie Quinn. The package did not go through the standard procedures and measures which should be taken when transporting human remains internationally and were seriously rotted and decomposing upon arrival. Carol Foley, his next of kin, was informed of this and she arrived at the airport to collect. The body had been transported through Kenya, which led her to believe that he had passed away in Kenya. An investigation was immediately initiated which aimed to uncover the circumstances of his death.

Witness Statements[edit | edit source]

Following a 3-month long investigation, several witnesses were discovered. These key witnesses made statements which were relayed back to the Carrigstown community. Several of the witnesses claimed that Robbie had indeed passed away in Kenya - Claiming he was stabbed by a Kenyan prostitute and that Robbie was there on a sex tour. The credibility of these witnesses was called into question but their statements were all consistent. Carol Foley claimed that the case was not solved until the Thai supervisor was tracked down, and she believed that he may have passed away in Thailand and his body transported to Kenya.

Contract Killing[edit | edit source]

On 18th November 2019 Carol Foley reported that Cathal Spillane had made remarks in a Carrigstown pub regarding Robbie, wherein he described hiring an underage Kenyan girl to lure Robbie to Kenya for him to be slaughtered. Several witnesses who were in the pub at the time backed this up. Cathal Spillane was called in for questioning. Detective Steve Yates, who was in a sexual relationship with Carol Foley at the time, questioned him. Upon release Cathal Spillane issued a claim of bias against the Garda Síochána, wherein he claimed that Yates had acted under bias during questioning. The court ruled in his favour and awarded him €1.1 million in damages.