The Hungry Pig

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The Hungry Pig


Cold curry soup made by Renee Phelan.

The Hungry Pig is a restaurant in Carrigstown, Ireland. It is currently owned by Bob Charles. It has the worst ratings in the history of both TripAdvisor and Yelp; having been the subject of a number of health and safety audits in recent years. In one instance, local effeminate loser Damien Halpin claimed to have seen a rat in the restaurant but after mild probing from super chill detective Steve Yates, Damien admitted he had made the entire story up for attention. This scandal prompted community figurehead Bob Charles to make a statement regarding false allegations and the damage it can cause to local business, whilst still noting he wouldn't be surprised if there was a rat and that Renee could do with picking up her standards.

It is alleged that the restaurant has been used as a money-laundering front in the past, to integrate money earned by Paul Brennan on bitcoin trades he made on a Slovakian dark net website.