The Murder of Kerry-Ann Bishop

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On September 20, 2018, at 21:08 GMT, Kerry-Ann Bishop was brutally murdered in cold blood.

Every year since this day the people of Carrigstown observe a minute's silence in memory of Kerry-Ann. On the same date in 2019, Bob Charles closed The Hungry Pig for 40 minutes in honour of Kerry-Ann.

The Investigation[edit | edit source]

At the earliest stage of the investigation, prime suspect Wayne Molloy, who handed himself in, was dismissed on the grounds that he "didn't have it in him".

Local officer John Deegan confirmed in a press conference in 2020 that the investigation had been stood down for over a year at that point and there were no new leads. He insisted that whoever did it would obviously be really sorry and would probably not do something like this again. He was subsequently slapped in the face by cool detective Steve Yates who then took control of the interview and highlighted that the case had been referred to GSOC and would be reviewed some time in 2022. There have been no updates on the case since.