Carrigstown: Exposed
Carrigstown: Exposed is a YouTube series created and run by The Proud Boys of Carrigstown. The show is credited as the brainchild of Oisin Brennan, son of billionaire property tycoon Paul Brennan. The show is intended to expose the happenings of Carrigstown through the use of hidden cameras placed throughout the town by the Brennan Clan. The footage is then converted into a cartoon format for legal reasons, thus creating the internet series. The show is broadcasted regularly and is the point of a massive scandal in Carrigstown.
Season 1[edit | edit source]
Episode 1[edit | edit source]
The pilot episode exposes the Carrigstown Agenda. Pensioner Bob Charles and his wife Renee Phelan are shown discussing plans to sell fertile bachelor Tommy Dillon's sperm to an Arab prince in order to raise funds to treat failed app developer Lee Collins and moody lesbian Sash Bishop who have both contracted Covid-19. The pair intend on sweeping the infections under the but to reassure the Carrigstown community that Bob's strict social distancing policies are keeping the virus at bay. The plan is later exposed by Paul Brennan. A furious Wayne Molloy reminds everyone that his son Junior is sick and would probably get sicker if he got the virus.