Darragh Collins
Darragh Collins is a young pintman of Carrigstown, Ireland. His skills were notably verified by Hughie Phelan but later brought into question by Leo Dowling.
He was famously cucked by none other than Doug Ferguson, who stole his fiancé Erica Allen, a humiliating feat that cemented his place among resident Carrigstown losers Damien Halpin, Wayne Molloy and indeed Doug Ferguson himself. It was initially thought that Darragh would retaliate and act out violently in a bid to retain some respect for the Collins family, but ultimately he did nothing. Some had speculated that he received a substantial payment from community center board members to not commit any violence since it was paramount for the Carrigstown Agenda that crime rate continued to drop off.
Inspired by the successful Damien Halpin pronouns model, the Carrigstown Agenda community board supposedly approached Darragh, proposing that he consider adopting feminine pronouns to increase Carrigstown's trans representation. This ultimately did not materialise much to the disappointment of Bob Charles.