Bishop Clan

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The Bishop Clan is a family with strong roots in Carrigstown, Ireland.

They are best known for being extremely low class. If someone is described as being of the Bishop Clan, then it means they have poor taste and lack fundamental intellect. The family is led by Decco Bishop at present. He is acting in absentia of Big Zumo The Generous.

The family is known for being low-class and bad-mannered. They have been involved in crime in the past but at present have reformed their ways somewhat, a transition made easier courtesy of free accommodation provided by the Carrigstown Agenda housing scheme. Most of the family is currently located in Spain (hiding in one of Paul Brennan's villas). However, Decco along with Sash Bishop, a moody lesbian birthing another of Tommy Dillon's offspring, are still living in Carrigstown.

Family Feuds[edit | edit source]

The Bishop Clan have notably been feuding with the Brennan Clan for a number of years now.